🔰Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3🔰


  • Become a modern and confident HTML and CSS developer, no prior knowledge needed!
  • Design and build a stunning real-world project for your portfolio from scratch
  • Modern, semantic and accessible HTML5
  • Modern CSS (previous CSS3), including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout
  • Important CSS concepts such as the box model, positioning schemes, inheritance, solving selector conflicts, etc.
  • A web design framework with easy-to-use rules and guidelines to design eye-catching websites
  • How to plan, sketch, design, build, test, and optimize a professional website
  • How to make websites work on every possible mobile device (responsive design)
  • How to use common components and layout patterns for professional website design and development
  • Developer skills such as reading documentation, debugging, and using professional tools
  • How to find and use free design assets such as images, fonts, and icons
  • Practice your skills with 10+ challenges (solutions included)
Source Link:-  https://www.udemy.com/course/design-and-develop-a-killer-website-with-html5-and-css3/


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