C# Programming: Mastering Delegates & Events


C# Programming: Mastering Delegates & Events

Here is what you may expect to pick up.

Mastering CDelegates #'s and Events is Part of This Course

Learn about and get a grasp on C delegates.

Gain an understanding of the C# events.

Learn how to define and raise events in your game.

Make use of the events that are arranged.

Learn how to create routed events by following these steps.

You are responsible for defining the kinds of delegates.

Utilize predefined kinds of delegates by first being familiar with them.

To make changes to methods, you need to get familiar with the construction of delegate variables.

Learn how to use event handlers with Windows Presentation Foundation and Windows Forms.


Your presence is much appreciated. The expression of pointers to methods that have a certain parameter list and return type is done with the help of a type that is known as a delegate. After it has been constructed, an instance of a delegate may be attached to any method so long as the signature and return type are appropriate for the method. It is possible to make a call to the method using the delegate instance. Through the use of delegates, methods are sent as objections to other methods. Simply said, event handlers are methods that are called by delegates. Delegates are responsible for calling event handlers.

It's possible that a class like a window control will call a custom method that you've programmed whenever a certain event occurs. User actions such as pressing keys, clicking buttons, moving the mouse, and so on are all instances of events. Other instances include warnings that are produced by the system. It is necessary for applications to respond to events as they occur. For example, it creates a barrier. The communication that occurs between processes is done via the usage of events. People often have trouble differentiating between delegates and events. [Case in point:]

Cinclusion #'s of support for events and delegates is beneficial to the event-driven programming sector, which is often mentioned in the literature. This makes issues much more difficult to solve since it gives you the ability to declare field-like events that are automatically supported by a delegate variable with the same name. This lesson will perhaps shed some light on the situation for you. These other classes that accept this event are referred to as the subscriber classes. In the case of events, the publisher-subscriber paradigm is used.


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